Sunday, November 13, 2011

My Creative Time Throwback Thursday

My good friend's baby shower is next week and I am starting to put a basket together. Closet dividers seem to always be a useful gift that soon to be moms need after getting loads of clothes during their baby shower. I bought the wooden door hangers at Michaels and simply cut a slit on the side so they can easily be hung. The pattern paper is from Heidi Grace and the images were cut at 2 1/2 so the they can fit perfectly inside My Creative times small talk set. I just love how diverse that set is, it's definitely my go to set for almost all my projects.


  1. Wow! These are all so great. I just love the CAC cartridge. Nice job. Thanks for joining us in the MCT ~ Throwback Thursday Challenge :)


  2. These are all so pretty!! Great colors!!! I love the bows and the cute cac animals!! :)

  3. Oh My...those are adorable!! Awesome idea!!
